The Armenian issue

“Genocide or hidden political agenda?”

Coming soon…


How did the Armenian question develop? What is the history of the region?

Armenian Revolts

When the war broke out, some Armenian groups decided to revolt against the Turks.


The Ottoman Empire decided to relocate Armenians to avoid civil war.

Armenian terrorism

Armenian organizations carried out attacks to put pressure on Turkey after the war.


While the Armenian and Western sources speak of an Armenian Genocide, we choose to label the events as the Armenian issue. To speak of a genocide, we must first know what the word genocide means. Genocide is a crime in international law that was described by the United Nations General Assembly in Resolution 96 (1) as “denying the right to exist of an entire human group.”

The United Nations adopted the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide in 1948, in which it affirmed that genocide is an international crime and undertook to prevent and punish it. This convention defines genocide as:

“Any of the following, committed with the intention of destroying, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, religious group, or any group of a particular race, as such by killing members of the group; inflicting serious physical or mental harm to members of the group; intentionally imposing conditions on the group aimed at its total or partial physical destruction; taking measures intended to prevent births within the group and the violent transfer of children from the group to another group. “

Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide

No one in this discussion denies the hundreds of thousands of deaths. However, the events before and during the First World War do not meet the above definition. That is why we choose not to speak of an Armenian Genocide.

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